Monday 31 March 2014

Russell Howard

Saturday the 29th of March I got to see Russell Howard at the O2 arena.
I've never been to a concert or gig before so this was a totally new experience for me. I was lucky enough to see the show for free because the company I work for offered me the tickets. I went with my dad's girl friend (Patsy) and a couple of people from work and their families. 
When we got to the O2 me and Patsy went for some lunch at Frankie and Benny's.The food was so nice, I always get the same thing almost every time I go, I recommend having the 'Chicken penne romana'. It's like a pasta dish you'd throw together at home but done by a professional. (if that makes any sense)
The company I work for paid for a suite because we had lots of people going and the view was really good.
The show was actually to the left of this image, but this just shows how big it was :o

When the show started I instantly started laughing because he was so funny. His performance was very interactive with the audience and it made the show more personal. Russell did about 40 minutes and then everyone had a 20 minute break, in this time I had pre-ordered a pizza to the room we were in and we ate it during the break :)
The second half/end was by far my favourite part. He started to tell us about a young boy who had cancer and wanted to see him before he died, He asked Russell if he'd come to his funeral and when he said that out loud, the whole arena went silent. My heart sank. He then went on to tell us that he had planed for everyone to where fancy dress and he wanted Russell to come in a 'willy' costume. He said he never had to go to the funeral because the young boy made it through the cancer. He then asked him to come on the willy costume. It was so funny and emotional at the same time everyone got up and clapped for the boy (about 15,000 people were there).
It was a perfect end to a perfect day.

These are a few image from the day :)

Monday 24 March 2014

Setting targets

As I'm starting a fresh new blog I thought it would be best to set some goals so I maintain a standard for myself.
Number one is definitely to put a blog post out every week. The minimum amount I want to post a week is once, my target is going to be two a week and they will probably be posted on Sundays and Mondays. Random days I suppose but it's the only days when I sit at home on my laptop after work to do coursework for college, so I might as well do a blog at the same time.
Number two is saying yes more. Sometimes an opportunity will come my way and I'll say no, and regret it instantly because it's normally nothing that will cross my paths again. I'm all for doing things you aspire to but sometimes I just don't have the motivation to say yes. It can be anything from going somewhere with people I don't know to doing something outside of my comfort zone that puts me off saying yes. However I want this too change. I think this target will affect this blog too because saying yes will allow me to experiences more and then I'll have more to document.

My last target is going to be kind of similar to the one above but I want to become more confident in myself. I worry that people will judge me (because half of the people out there do) and this prevents me from doing stuff sometimes. Even like this blog I didn't want to start it in case people I know think that I'm weird for doing it. I think in modern day we really shouldn't judge someone for what they like or what they wear or how they act, but the truth is we do. It's hard not too really. The point it I'm very aware of how people judge me so I think this target is something that I've got to get over myself. This blog really helps that because even though I'm giving people a platform to dislike me, I know that it's part of the package with doing something different to the norm.